hemos analizado anteriormente las cartas de queja (letters of complaint) que
muchas personas envían a los períódicos y revistas para una eventual
Estudiaremos aquí dos situaciones
diferentes relacionadas con empresas que no respetan el medio
ambiente. También para estos casos son válidos los siete consejos (seven
tips) ofrecidos en la
Unidad 51 para
este tipo de redacción.
Aqui tienes algunas de las expresiones de
desaprobación que suelen utilizarse para este tipo de cartas:
I am writing to disagree
with the opinions expressed
by (reporter)
in his/her article
(name) on (date).
Escribo en discrepancia con las opiniones vertidas por
(periodista) en su artículo (nombre) del (fecha).
I read your article in
(newspaper) on
(date) with considerable amazement.
Leí su artículo en (diario) del (fecha) con gran asombro.
I feel compelled to express my consternation
at (reason)
Me veo forzado/a a expresar mi consternación a (motivo)
It was with the utmost dismay
that I read
about ...
Fue con la máxima consternación que leí sobre ...
I would like to express my
extreme disapproval/full disappointment
with (reason)
Quisiera expresar mi absoluto desagrado/total decepción con
respecto a (motivo)
I was utterly horrified to (verb)
Quedé absolutamente horrorizado/a al (verbo)
I must register a strong complaint
about (reason)
Debo presentar una seria queja acerca de (motivo)
Defending Environment: Letter # 1
El autor de esta
carta acaba de leer un artículo que informa que 10,000 marsopas
mueren anualmente en los mares que rodean Gran Bretaña. Básicamente,
el artículo denuncia a la empresa pesquera Fulton con sucursales en
Gran Bretaña, Irlanda y Dinamarca quienes utilizan técnicas
destructivas para obtener su producto.
Esta técnica consiste en tender redes de
hasta 6 millas de largo durante varias horas. Como las marsopas
suelen alimentarse a ras del agua, quedan atrapadas en la redes y
acaban ahogadas.
Dirigida al ministro de MAFF (Ministry
of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food), esta carta expresa
abiertamente la opinión del lector acerca de un desastre ecológico.
Sin embargo, conocedor de que los pescadores necesitan este trabajo
para su sustento, el autor ha logrado controlar la redacción sin
ofender ni perturbar.
115 Melliton Drive
London XT250RS
July 31, 2007
Dear Minister,
I am writing to you to say how deeply distressed I have
been to learn that large numbers of porpoises are
needlessly killed around the coasts of Great Britain
every year as a result of inappropriate fishing
techniques used by Fulton Fisheries.
I would therefore like to know what steps the MAFF will be taking towards
safeguarding this species from further depletion. Are you currently
conducting research into ways of adapting fishing techniques and net designs
– such as those of Fulton Fisheries and many
others – in order to minimise the damage inflicted on porpoises?
Although I realise that fishing represents an important resource for many
coastal communities in the UK, I do feel that the MAFF and other government
ministries should ensure that this activity is carried out as humanely as
possible, without inflicting an unacceptable number of casualties on other
species such as the porpoise.
I sincerely hope that you will soon be taking appropriate measures to
protect these marvellous creatures and to make sure that they benefit from
the same level of protection as dolphins and whales.
I look forward to hearing from you and to reading about your proposals for
ending this senseless destruction.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Bellini
Defending Environment: Letter # 2
El autor de esta
carta acaba de alojarse en un famoso hotel y escribe a una
calificada revista de turismo ecológico informando lo que él
considera un indebido aprovechamiento de recursos en detrimento del
medio ambiente:
Posadas 425
1810 Buenos Aires
October 5, 2008
Dear Sir,
Last month I spent the weekend at the
Bariloche PavilionHotel. Although I enjoyed my
stay, I was concerned by the waste of natural resources I saw there.
We can all do many things to preserve the environment, saving energy, for
example. The temperature of the hotel rooms was too high for comfort. My
bedroom was so hot I had to open the window. If they turned down the heating,
their guests would be more comfortable, and the hotel would save both money
and energy resources.
Secondly, their king-size baths waste water. A shower uses much less water,
and I am sure many guests would prefer one to a bath. Showers can be
installed quite cheaply.
Finally, I was dismayed that every day the old newspapers from the guest
lounge are just thrown away. These could easily be collected and taken to be
recycled. In this way many trees could be saved.
I hope you will report my suggestions for adopting a greener policy in
this nice hotel. I look forward to hearing your comments.
Cada una de las empresas abajo indicadas
comercializa un producto cuyo negativo impacto ambiental se explica
inmediatamente debajo.
A continuación se transcriben las explicaciones
dadas por los voceros de la empresas. Tu trabajo es completar
las explicaciones con las alternativas más adecuadas.
Carbon monoxide emissions
from cars are responsible for air pollution, acid rain
and the global warming of the planet.
General Motors have
designed a
car which produces no
emissions and can run for 125 miles before the battery
needs to be .
Scrap tyres are piled up in
landfill dumps and pollute the air when burned.
Goodyear promotes of used
tyres as an energy source.
The popular plastic
single-use cameras were simply thrown away after the
film was developed.
Kodak offers film
developers a financial to
return used cameras for or
Dolphins were often killed
in the nets used to catch tuna for its 'Starkist' brand
of canned tuna.
Heinz insists that the
fishermen put their nets into the
sea where the dolphins do not .