Regresar a la
primera parte de esta lección |
Applications for membership |
Quienes desean ingresar a una biblioteca
pública, club privado, etc. a veces
necesitan presentar una solicitud de socio o membresía (membership application). |
Aquí tienes varios modelos de cartas por
diferentes motivos: |
Application for Membership of a Club |
I am a seventeen-year-old Argentine student and am in London for
three months in order to improve my knowledge of English. |
should like to apply for membership of your club with a view to
meeting English boys and girls of my age. Would you be kind
enough to let me know how I should go about this? |
Application for Membership of a
Library |
I am an overseas student and am in England for a year. In order
to widen my knowledge of the language I am thinking of applying
for membership of your library. |
should be grateful if you would let me know the conditions of
membership, the annual subscription, the entrance fee and the
facilities you provide. |
A veces es necesario presentar una solicitud
de licencia o permiso temporario para conducir en el extranjero. Aquí tienes
un ejemplo: |
Application for a
Driving Licence |
As I am going to stay in this country for a few weeks, I should
be grateful if you would issue me with a temporary permit to
drive in United States. I enclose my International Driving Permit and
the necessary fee. |
thank you for all your cooperation. |
Cada una de las frases siguientes contiene dos
errores que deberás encontrar. Escribe cada error en las casillas de la
izquierda y las correcciones en las casillas de la derecha. Verifica luego
tus respuestas. |
1. |
We are planning to visit Israel the next month and should be
grateful if you would let us know what we have to do for get a
visa. |
2. |
Thank you very much for your informations. I am enclosing my
passport herewith: please return it on registered post. |
3. |
I have received your visa of which I thank you. I am sending you
herewith a cheque for 120 Euros in payment for your charges. |
En la primera carta de esta página habrás
observado la expresión with a view to (para, con el objeto de)
que es sinónimo de in order to. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que a la
primera expresión le sigue un verbo en –ING mientras que a la
segunda le sigue un infinitivo. |
A continuación trata de re-escribir cada oración
en las casillas en blanco utilizando la expresión with a
view to. |
1. |
l read many English newspapers in order to improve my knowledge
of the language. |
2. |
They both went to America in order to make money. |
3. |
I'm going to apply for membership of your club in order to meet
interesting people. |
4. |
Susana's studying hard in order to get a scholarship
at OM Personal. |
om personal home
om write |