1000 Phrasal Verbs






make away 

hurry away

While the others were arguing I made away on my bike.
Mientras los otros seguían discutiendo me fui en mi bicicleta.

make away with


1) steal

1) The thieves made away with some valuable jewels.
Los ladrones robaron algunas joyas valiosas.

2) hide


2) The boy made away with the broken vase before his mother came back home.
El muchacho ocultó el florero roto antes que su madre regresara a casa.

3) kill

3) The unhappy old lady tried to make away with herself.
La desdichada anciana intentó terminar consigo.

make for


1) go in the direction of

1) It's late. We'd better turn and make for home.
Es tarde. Mejor demos vuelta y vayamos en dirección a casa.

2) attack, go for,
rush violently at


2) When I was halfway across the field a bull made for me and I had to run.
Cuando me encontraba en medio del campo a toro me atacó y tuve que correr.

make fun of 

make unkind jokes about

They hurt her feelings when they made fun of her.
La hirieron cuando se burlaron (mofaron) de ella.

make of 


Can you make anything of this message?
¿Puedes entender algo de este mensaje?

make off with


run away with


While I was bathing, someone made off with all my clothes.
Mientras me estaba bañando alguien escapó con todas mis ropas.

make out 


1) draw up a document

1) My father made out a cheque for me to buy the camera.
Mi padre me extendió un cheque para comprar la cámara.

2) understand

2) I can't make out what he is trying to say.
No logro entender qué está tratando de decirnos.

3) see, distinguish,


3) Someone is coming down the mountain, but I can't make
out who it is.
Alguien está descendiendo de la montaña pero no puedo distinguir de quién se trata.

4) manage (colloquial)

4) How did the children make out while their mother was out?
¿Cómo se arreglaron los chicos mientras su madre no estuvo?

5) imply

5) Several people tried to make out that Martin was a traitor.
Algunos dieron a entender que Martin era un traidor.

6) pretend


6) They were always asking for money and making out that they were broke.
Siempre estaban pidiendo dinero y fingiendo que estaban sin un centavo.

make over 

transfer formally

They made over all their property to their son in Italy.
Le transfirieron todas sus propiedades a su hijo en Italia.

make up 


1) invent, create imaginary information

1) He made up an incredible story about his vacation.
Inventó una increíble historia sobre sus vacaciones.

2) apply cosmetics


2) Sandra made up very carefully before meeting her boyfriend.
Sandra se maquilló muy cuidadosamente antes de encontrarse con su novio.

3) compensate

3) I couldn't come for the test. May I make it up today?.
No pude venir para el examen. ¿Puedo compensarlo hoy?

4) end a quarrel or misunderstanding

4) They quarrel every morning and make it up every evening.
Se pelean por la mañana y se amigan por la tarde.

make up for 

compensate for

She tried to make up for her past mistakes but it was too late.
Trató de compensar sus errores del pasado pero ya era tarde.

make up to

flatter, make friendly
approaches to (colloquial)

Tom used to make up to his sister whenever he needed money.
Tom solía adular a su hermana cuando necesitaba dinero.

make up with

re-establish a relationship
end a quarrel

After the misunderstanding, Luis made up with Raquel.
Luego del malentendido, Luis hizo se reconcilió con Raquel.

mark down


1) mark goods at a lower price,
reduce the price

1) OM Personal CDs have been marked down by 30%.
Los CDs de OM Personal han sido rebajados en un 30%.

2) make a note of in writing

2) Mark this number down: 431-2568. It's Kim's phone number.
Anota este número: 431-2568. Es el teléfono de Kim.

mark off 

separate by marking

They will mark off the playing field tomorrow.
Mañana marcarán las divisiones en el campo de juego.

mark out 

mark lines showing limits
or boundaries

Bill and Edwin have already marked out the tennis courts.
Bill y Edwin ya han marcado las canchas de tenis.

mark up 


increase the price for resale


Liza is doing a lot of money. She buys inexpensive dresses
in Taiwan and then marks them up.
Liza está haciendo mucho dibnero. Compra vestidos a bajo precio en Taiwan y liego los remarca (sube de precio).

miss out 




The student answered the questions correctly, but missed out the sixth one.
El estudiante respondió correctamente las preguntas pero omitió la sexta.

mix up 




This boy always tries to mix up the teacher by asking irrelevant questions.
Este muchacho siempre trata de confundir al profesor haciendo preguntas irrelevantes.

mop up 


wipe up


Molly, please!! Mop up that pool of water in the bathroom.
¡¡Por favor, Molly!! Seca (pasa un trapo de piso a) ese charco de agua en el baño.

mount up


Our bills soon mounted up at that expensive hotel.
Nuestras cuentas enseguida subieron en un hotel tan caro.

move along 

move farther in the
direction indicated

"Move along, please", said the bus driver.
"Córranse, por favor", dijo el conductor del ómnibus.

move in 

take possession of
living quarters

When are you moving in to your new apartment?
¿Cuándo te vas a mudar a tu nuevo departamento?

move on 

move to another place

A policeman moved on my car.
Un agente de policía movió (cambió de lugar) mi automóvil.

move out 

give up possession of
living quarters

Leila moved out yesterday and she is really exhausted now.
Leila se mudó ayer y ahora está realmente agotada.

muddle up 


mix up


I'm all muddled up now after your attempt to explain Passive Voice and Reported Speech to me.
Estoy totalmente confundido ahora luego de tu intento de explicarme Voz Pasiva y Lenguaje Indirecto.

muster up 

collect, gather together

You will have to muster up all your courage for this hard task.
Tendrás que juntar coraje para realizar esta difícil tarea.


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