Curso First Certificate Exam



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Past simple vs present perfect (I)


ACTIVITY 206: Read this article from a newspaper. Put the verbs in blue in the appropriate tense: past simple or present perfect and make any other necessary changes. Then check the answers.


A man whose sight   (RETURN) miraculously  to him after 31 years is looking at a world that is stranger and more wonderful than he ever  (IMAGINE).

Mr. Alexander Fish, a well-to-do businessman,  (BE) on honeymoon when he  (STRIKE) by a falling tree. The injury  (BLIND) him by paralysing the optic nerves. For three decades he  (VISIT) specialists who  (TRY) without success to restore his sight. This week, while sitting at home listening to his wife read to him, vision suddenly  (RETURN) to his left eye. It  (BE) cloud, but strong enough to enable him to recognise objects.

'A wonderful thing (HAPPEN)!!', he exclaimed. 'I can see you again'. Mrs. Fish  (NOT BELIEVE)  him, but when her husband  (BE ABLE) to identify objects in the room, she  (FAINT)  with joy.

Despite the handicap of lost sight, Mr. Fish  (HAVE) a successful career as a teacher and businessman. It is hoped that the restoration of his sight will be lasting.


Past simple vs present perfect (II)


ACTIVITY 207: Read this article from a newspaper. Put the verbs in blue in the appropriate tense: past simple or present perfect and make any other necessary changes. Then check the answers.


One of the many changes which   (TAKE) place in China over the last few years is a change in television news programmes. Since the Communist party   (COME)  to power in 1949, all the media programmes   (EXIST) to promote the party's point of view.

Until a few years ago, reporters   (NOT ALLOW) to publish stories about social injustice or the mistakes of officials. But now this   (CHANGE). Today China has 780 regional TV stations, all of which   (BECOME) obsessed with the capitalist idea of attracting as many viewers as possible. Beijing TV, for example, last week  (HAVE) an audience of over 7 million when Xu Tao, their 26-year-old crime reporter,  (MANAGE) to interview a notorious rapist. Xu Tao's ability to get exciting news stories always  (IMPRESS) her station manager.

'Last year she (WIN) the title of News Reporter of the Year', he says proudly. But the work can be dangerous. Last month Xu  (MAKE)  public the actions of a group of unqualified 'doctors'. She  (GO) to their 'clinic' as a patient, using a mini-camera to photograph what  (HAPPEN)  there.

Since then she   (RECEIVE) a number of death threats. 'I  (THREATEN) many times', she says fearlessly, 'but bad must not be allowed to overcome good'.


Bravo por Xu Tao !!! Qué mujer valiente !!! 
En la próxima página practicarás las formas débiles en PRONUNCIATION ...


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