One of the many changes which
place in China over the last few years is a change in television
news programmes. Since the Communist party
to power in 1949, all the media programmes
to promote the party's point of view.
Until a few years ago, reporters
to publish stories about social injustice
or the mistakes of officials. But now this
Today China has 780 regional TV stations, all of which
obsessed with the capitalist idea of attracting as many viewers as
possible. Beijing TV, for example, last week
(HAVE) an
audience of over 7 million when Xu Tao, their 26-year-old crime reporter,
to interview a notorious rapist. Xu Tao's ability to get
exciting news stories always
her station manager.
'Last year she
(WIN) the
title of News Reporter of the Year', he says proudly. But the work can
be dangerous. Last month Xu
public the actions of a group of unqualified 'doctors'.
to their 'clinic' as a patient, using a mini-camera
to photograph what
Since then she
a number of death threats. 'I
many times', she says fearlessly, 'but bad must not be allowed
to overcome good'.