Curso First Certificate Exam



LECCION 60 - PAGINA 2   índice del curso   página anterior   página siguiente


Open gap-filling

ACTIVITY 413: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning [ of ]. Then check the correct answers.


The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival attracts teams   

rowers from around the world. The origin of Dragon Boat

racing dates back to   fourth century BC.

At   time there was a minister called Qu Yuan.

Although he   much loved by the people, the

King dismissed him   his high position. Some

people believed that unfriendly government officials had

had a part in .

Unhappy and lonely, he wandered   the countryside writing poems about

  love of the country and its people. Finally, unable to put  

with life any more, he committed suicide by drowning   in the Mi Lo River.

It   said that   local fishermen raced out in their boats, they did

  manage to save him. So, to prevent his body from   eaten by

fish, they beat the surface of the water with their oars and threw rice in the river.

Hong Kong today the death of Qu Yuan is celebrated   year

in the Dragon Boat Festival. The scene of the fishermen racing out to save Qu Yuan is

repeated in the form of Dragon Boat races.

¡¡¡ Qué cobardes los "consejeros" del rey !!! En la próxima página tendrás la última práctica de ERROR CORRECTION de este curso ...


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