You are going to hear Robert talking about the
conversions he made to his new flat in Buenos Aires. The drawing
shows you the first part of his flat conversion. While you listen
to his story, fill in the missing words.
Then check the correct answers.
About a year ago I moved to a new flat. It
was much bigger than my old one but somehow I didn't like
everything in it and so I set about
some major structural .
Here's a sketch which should help make clear to you how I
converted it to its present state.
Originally, when you came in at the front
door here, there was a door to the right which led to a very
large room, about metres long and four metres wide. Straight
ahead of you was -and still is, I haven't done anything with
this part of the flat- a
with two doors on the left, the first one to the airing cupboard,
and the second to the
and the toilet together.
That's here. Then, beyond that is the door
to the kitchen. At the back of the kitchen there's a door which
gives on to the balcony here,
the whole of the back of the house.
It looks out on a
beautiful garden, full of tall trees, and whenever I can I have
my meals out there.
Converting my flat - Part
Now, you are going to hear the second part of
Robert's story about the conversions he made to his flat. The drawing
shows you the second part of his flat conversion. While you listen to
his story, fill in the missing words.
Then check the correct answers.
Now, the main problem I had with the flat
was the
room. It was just too big, and I also didn't want to live and
sleep in the same space. So I decided to divide it into two
separate areas, so that I could have a
What I did was build two diagonal walls
across the room here, the first one starting from where the
front door is and going across the room, ,
to the far wall; and the second
to the first, but one and a half metres further back. Are you
still with me? Yes?
Well, next I made a door at the beginning of
wall, one leading into the bedroom and one into the sitting room.
Then I built a wall to
the space between the two diagonal walls.
Finally, I
the original door between the hall and the main room. This
helped to make the hall more
as your first impression before was of a dark and very narrow .
After this I took a well-earned rest and went on holiday for a
week !!
Converting my flat - Part
Finally, you are going to hear how Roberto feels
about the conversion he made to his new flat in Buenos Aires. The
drawing shows you the third part of his conversion. While you listen
to his story, fill in the missing words.
Then check the correct answers.
When I came back, I built cupboards in the
between the two diagonal walls, cupboards for each room.
And in this way, as you can see, I now had
two separate rooms, a bedroom at the front and a sitting room at
the back, and each with a more interesting
space thanks to the diagonal walls.
Also, I've got lots of
cupboard space !!
I'm really pleased with it. It's not only
made my flat more
-the separate bedroom and the cupboard space- but also more
I have
spaces which give me a sense of adventure, and the visitor never
knows what is behind each door.
Entretenida forma de practicar
vocabulario y arquitectura, no? En la página siguiente
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