CPE :: Lesson 14



LECCION 14 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior


Use of vocabulary - Part 4/10

ACTIVITY 67a: For sentences below choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Then check the correct answers.

61. We are totally opposed any changes being made in the proposals as they stand.
62. During Queen Elizabeth's
, Britain's role in the world has changed dramatically.
63. A golden handshake may have a
effect when one is dealt the blow of redundancy.
64. The baby at the centre of the controversy has been made a
of court.
65. The late Rev. Ivor Jones will be missed
66. The removal of magazines from this room is strictly 
67. The government may be forced to
their privatisation plans for the time being.
68. His comments
little or no relation to the facts and figures of the case.
69. I was awakened early in the morning by the
of sheep in the fields outside my window.
70. I must confess I was
myself with rage.
71. To all intents and
, the estimates are identical.
72. 'The 20-year policy would be a good investment,' said the insurance agent,'
you wanted to cash it in within the first ten years.'
73. I have a
74. The imposition of martial law has been accompanied by an after-dark
75. You
us to believe that service and V.A.T. would be included.
76. According to a recent survey, most people are on good
with their neighbours.
77. That picture is somewhat
of Picasso's early work.
78. The soap opera star threatened to
her dentist for $10 million.
79. There is a
resemblance between the two of them.
80. I was in a quandary
what to say.


CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished  LESSON 14  
at OM Personal CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English.
Before moving on to the next lesson, please remember
to revise everything you have learnt here.


LECCION 14 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior