Curso First Certificate Exam



LECCION 54 - PAGINA 5   índice del curso   página anterior


The -ing form or the infinitive (I)

ACTIVITY 379: Complete this article by choosing the best verbal alternative from the menus: 'to' infinitive, infinitive without 'to', or –ing form. Then check the answers.


Saladino de Souza Gonzalez takes advantage of the fact that in Brazil the law allows people lions at home. 'People's homes need from thieves,' says Mr Gonzalez. 'With a lion for a guard a thief may enter, but he won't leave!!'

Mr Gonzalez started with three lions ten years ago, and at the moment he manages three lion cubs a year, but he would like the business. 'I don't remember ever trouble selling one,' he says.

He advises owners their lion freely in the back yard at night. Owners like it up and down when they are in bed; it helps them more soundly. 'A lion is no problem with children as long as the animal is bought when young, and you remember it regularly,' he says. Maria de Oliveira is a satisfied customer: 'I just can't help when I see my little girl with Mikey, our lion. I only regret another cub at the same time.'


The -ing form or the infinitive (II)

ACTIVITY 380: Complete this article by choosing the best verbal alternative from the menus: 'to' infinitive, infinitive without 'to', or –ing form. Then check the answers.


When a dam in French Guyana made the river Sinnamary its banks, the water started flooding the rainforest. Forest animals were forced into the trees. Conservationists helplessly watched the water level .

When it threatened even the trees, the French government and the company responsible for the dam agreed money for a rescue. A team of 40 French vets tried as many animals as possible. They used speedboats the animals and darts to make them temporarily unconscious. In all, they managed 5,000 creatures. Animals that were unable to climb trees, such as rodents, were saved first. They were so happy away from the water they didn't mind handled by the vets. Monkeys were more difficult : although most monkeys can't stand wet, these ones preferred drowning to travelling in a boat with a vet. The vets couldn't prevent some monkeys from into the river and then they had to swim after them. Sloths were equally uncooperative. They wouldn't let the vets them down the trees without anaesthetised first. The animals were later released into the safety of French Guyana's first national park. They seem to enjoy in their new home. But do they remember running for their lives from the advancing water? And do they regret being made their old surroundings?


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