a Spanish, Portuguese or Latin American spectacle in
which a matador baits and (usually) kills a bull in an
arena before many spectators, a blood sport known as
"corrida" (corrida de toros); major: most
important (de máxima importancia);
appreciating: recognizing (evaluación, reconocimiento);
blood sports: sports that involve killing animals
causing blood to flow
(deportes en los que se matan animales y
hay derramamiento de sangre); I can't relate to:
I can't make a logical connection (no le encuentro
sentido alguno);
not agreeing (estando en desacuerdo);
interminable, going on and on (interminable, que
nunca termina); arguing: presenting reasons
and arguments
(discutir, argumentar); productive: of
positive results (positivo, productivo);
boxing: pugilism (boxeo);
fox hunting: hunting foxes, on horseback and with dogs
(cacería de zorros);
thrill: exciting sensation of fright and fear
(fuerte excitación); provide: give (dar,
proveer); out of the question: inconceivable,
(inconcebible, inaceptable).