technology moves forward:
technology goes ahead (la tecnología avanza); nowadays
affordable: low-cost today (hoy día accesible, de bajo costo);
reduced in size (de tamaño reducido); recorders:
equipment for making records (grabadoras); to handwrite:
to write by hand (manuscritas, escritas a mano); up to the
moment: up to now, so far (hasta la fecha); digital
making recordings digitally (grabación digitalizada);
better-resolution cameras:
more accurate cameras (cámaras de mayor resolución); VTRs:
video tape recorders (videograbadoras); unthinkable:
inconceivable (inconcebible, impen-sable); due to
restrictions: due to limitations (debido a las limitaciones);
being resolved: being brought to an end (están resolviéndose);
turns up:
appears, becomes visible (surge, aparece); eager to show:
anxious to show (impacientes por mostrar); to achieve it:
to accomplish it (para lograrlo, para alcanzarlo);
all over the world (en todo el mundo); sixth grandson:
sixth male grandchild (sexto nieto); can be hired: can
be rented (puede alquilarse, contratarse); for longer
for more extended lapses (for períodos más extensos); if
you already own: if you already have (si usted ya posee);
to link:
to connect (conectar, enlazar); server: a computer
that provides client stations with access to files (servidor);
to be watched: to be seen (para ser visto); all the
all the technical knowledge and skill required to do something (todo
el conocimiento y experiencia); demands: requires (exige,
requiere); you don’t have still: (aún no tiene, aún no
cuenta con); 30-year experience: an experience of 30
(una experiencia de 30 años); follow-up steps:
examination procedures (etapas o procedimeintos de seguimiento);
compress: compact, reduce (comprimir);
host it: upload it (alojarlo, subirlo); by means of a
through a password (por medio de una contraseña); the
service hired:
the service rented (el servicio contratado); we will be
honored to have you: it will be a pleasure to have you (estaremos
honrados de contar con usted); pricing: quotation
(cotización) |