Curso First Certificate Exam



LECCION 24 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior


Helping mom

ACTIVITY 160: Your ability to communicate information, ideas and opinions in spoken English is tested in Paper 5. Watch the videoclip below and type your personal comments as if you were talking to your FCE examiner. You must describe what is happening in the video (what the people are doing, where they are, etc). At the bottom, a bilingual glossary will help you cope with this activity. Finally, check your answers.

Washing up
the wrong thing
may despair
any mom.

(try to retell this story in about 100 to 200 words)





TV commercial: a commercially sponsored ad on television (aviso o comercial de televisión); features: displays (presenta a un actor en un film); nursery rhyme: a tale in rhymed verse for children (canción infantil); countertop level: the top level of the kitchen counter (la parte superior de la mesada o mostrador de la cocina); sink: water basin in a kitchen used for washing up (pileta de cocina, fregadero); washing up: washing the dishes (lavando los platos); doing the dishes: washing up (lavando los platos); grip sponge scourer: washing-up sponge with a grip (esponja con mango para lavar platos); turns up: comes up (aparece, se hace presente); corridor: aisle in a house (corredor, pasillo); household chore: specific job at home (tarea o quehacer doméstico); leans against: inclines or bends against (se apoya against); she dotes on: she showers with love for (se babea por); crockery or tableware: dishware (la vajilla); plate rack: a rack for holding plates to dry after they have been washed (escurridor para platos); to drain: to dry, to flow off (escurrir el agua del lavado); nothing other than (nada más ni nada menos que); notebook = laptop (computadora personal portátil); turning pale: becoming pale, white (empalideciendo).


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UNIT 6 - LESSON 24 del OM First Certificate Exam.
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LECCION 24 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior