Apparently this is an Australian TV commercial, but it is not clear which the product they are promoting is.

It features a little girl singing a song -a nursery rhyme, perhaps- in a modern kitchen. Although insecure because she could fall off, the little girl is standing on a children's chair in order to reach the kitchen countertop level where the sink is. The girl is wearing glasses and she is washing up something you can't see well.

Everything seems to go smoothly while she is doing the dishes with a grip sponge scourer.

Suddenly, her mother turns up walking along a corridor of the house. Without interrupting her daughter's household chore, she leans against the wall and watches her. She shows such a happy face that she obviously dotes on her little girl.

But then the girl takes out from the sink the supposed "crockery or tableware" she has been working on so proudly, and puts it on a plate rack to drain. The mysterious tableware is nothing other than her mom's notebook !!.

Her mother can't believe her eyes, her face turning pale on seeing how her little girl has been helping her.


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