Curso First Certificate Exam



LECCION 18 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior


Healthcall directory (III)



Now you are going to hear the recorded tape for Taking Exercise - Section 3. Don't worry if there are some words you don't know: you should be able to get the general idea.

At this first step, click on the speaker, relax and just listen for general comprehension. You will have to do a short activity after listening to this audio file.


Healthcall directory (III)


ACTIVITY 116: You have just listened to Section 3 of the recorded tape. What other related ideas does the speaker consider? Choose the best alternatives below (ticking more than one alternative is possible). Then check your answer.

The speaker considers these other ideas related to the topic ...

A.    exercise and losing weight
B.    enjoying your exercise
C.    exercise and heart attacks
  exercise and sleep


Healthcall directory (III)


Now, listen again while you check the comments with the audio transcription. You will have another activity at the bottom.


There are many forms of exercise, ranging from walking to a work-out in the gym. No amount of physical activity harms a healthy person. The human body is adapted to take on countless forms of exertion, and, in fact, demands it. The aim should be to have two or three exercise sessions every week of about 20 minutes each.

The more you enjoy the exercises you do, the more likely it is that you will continue doing them, so it's important to choose something you like doing, but remember not to try and get fit instantly. It doesn't work like that. Start gently, enough to make you breathless and perspire, and gradually work up your activity over the first four weeks.

It's likely that if you do exercise you'll sleep better, you'll wake more refreshed and you'll be a healthier person.

Thank you for calling Healthcall. We hope you feel better knowing. If you'd like a copy of the Healthcall directory, please call 0898 600 600. That's 0898 600 600.


Healthcall directory (III)


ACTIVITY 117: After listening to Section 3, check the information in these notes and make any necessary corrections. Then check the answers.


A.  Narrow range of possible forms of exercise

B.  Exercise can't harm healthy people

C.  Aim at two or three 60-minute sessions per week

D.  Choose something you enjoy

E.  Get fit quickly

F.  Exercise helps you sleep better





Practising listening comprehension is highly advisable for your First Certificate Exam. The links below provide you with a wide variety of personal comments together with listening activities and online answers:


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UNIT 5 - LESSON 18 del OM First Certificate Exam.
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