Curso First Certificate Exam



LECCION 8 - PAGINA 3   índice del curso   página anterior   página siguiente


Open gap-filling

ACTIVITY 49: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning [ was ]. Then check the correct answers.


Isabella Beeton, who    born in London in 1836,

is the most famous British woman cookery writer.

She was well educated and finished    education

in Heidelberg,    she learnt French and German.

In 1856 she married Sam Beeton, an enterprising young

publisher, and the following year    contributing a column on various

household matters to his 'The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine'.

  was the first of the cheap women's magazines. It pioneered the problem

page and medical columns, and introduced dress-making patterns    France

to British readers.  

  she was only 23 she edited 'Beeton's Book of Household Management'.

This was an immense work, containing more  3,000 recipes as well as advice

on instructing servants, nursing, legal matters, good manners and bringing   

babies. Many of the recipes    contributed by the readers of 'The English

Woman's Domestic Magazine' and others were simply taken  previous

cookery writers.

The chapters on specialist topics were    anonymously by a doctor, a lawyer

and    experts. But even    Mrs Beeton herself was not a creative

cook, the editing work that she did on the book is a great achievement for 

so young. She died    the age of 28 after the birth of her fourth son.

Una historia muy interesante, no? 
En la próxima página continuarás la práctica
para tu examen de First Certificate ...


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