Activity 53:
Completa estas oraciones seleccionando de cada menu la alternativa más
adecuada teniendo en cuenta las costumbres de Estados Unidos y Canadá.
luego las respuestas correctas.
If the service in a restaurant is very bad,
If you've been to a friend's home for dinner,
When you want to smoke in public,
When you go out on a date,
If you plan to visit someone at home,
When you meet someone for the first time,
Activity 54:
Primero, lee atentamente algunas costumbres usuales en cuatro países. A
continuación lee las situaciones abajo indicadas. Finalmente completa
las oraciones utilizando las palabras en color azul. Verifica luego
las respuestas correctas.
Different Customs in
Four Countries
People don't leave tips in restaurants
or cafeterias.
People don't smoke
in a friend's home without asking.
People are usually late for most appointments.
People allow their hosts to treat them to meals in restaurants.
Lilian is from Sweden where people is
very punctual. When she was on vacation in Buenos Aires, some Argentine
friends invited her to dinner at 9 pm. She arrived at exactly 9 pm, but
her friends had not even arrived home yet!!
In Argentina,
for most appointments. EXPECTED
Marina is from the United States
where people leave tips of 15% to 20% in most restaurants and cafeterias.
On her first day in Sydney, she went to a restaurant. She was so happy
with the excellent service that she left a tip of 20%. Wow, the waiter was
In Australia,
tips in restaurants. CUSTOM
Matthew is from New Zealand where
people usually pay for their own meals in restaurants. When he went to
Cairo he was invited to dinner at a restaurant. He offered to pay for his
dinner, but his Egyptian friend was pretty upset!!
In Egypt,
your hosts to treat you to meals.
Roulan is from Turkey where people
smoke almost anywhere they like. When he visited some friends in London in
January last, he lit a cigarette in their living room. He was very
surprised when they immediately asked him to smoke outside, in the middle
of winter!!
In Britain,
in a friend's home without asking. NOT ACCEPTABLE
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