Curso de Inglés Nivel Avanzado



LECCION 2 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior   página siguiente


I really regret it
Realmente me apena


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I'm thinking of going back to school to get another degree. It's so hard to find a job with a degree in literature.


Yeah, I know what you mean.


I should have studied something more practical. If I'd been more sensible, I would have majored in economics.


Why did you major in literature?


I don't know! I should have listened to my mother. She wanted me to major in business.


Oh? What does she do?


Mom? She's a literature professor.


I guess I could have made better use of my time in college, too.


How do you mean?


Oh, I spent too much time studying. I should have taken part in more extracurricular activities – you know, like joining the drama club or the swimming team or something like that. If I'd enjoyed myself more, I would have made a lot more friends.


Yeah, but didn't you get incredible grades in college? You might not have done so well if you'd spent your time doing a lot of other things.


Oh, I know lots of people who studied hard and did well – but played hard, too – and left college with four years of terrific memories. I really regret that I didn't do that. I missed out entirely.



think of: pensar en (presta atención al uso de of); going back: regresar; degree: título universitario; should have studied: debería haber estudiado; practical: práctico, de mayor utilidad; if I'd been = if I had been: si yo hubiera/hubiese sido; majored in: especializado en; economics: economía, ciencias económicas; better use of my time: un mejor uso de mi tiempo; how do you mean?: ¿a qué te refieres?; taken part in: integrado, formado parte de; extracurricular: fuera del programa de estudios oficial; joining: asociarse, pasar a formar parte de; grades = scores, marks: notas, puntajes; you might not have done so well: quizás no te habría ido tan bien; did well: les fue bien; terrific memories: fantásticos recuerdos; missed out entirely: no lo tuve en cuenta para nada.


Activity 17: Basándote en los comentarios anteriores, selecciona las opciones más adecuadas para cada oración. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas.


Victor complains about ...


Amalia regrets that she ...

  his degree in business.
  not finding a job.
  not being a literature professor.

  got incredible grades in college.
  spent too much time studying.
  took part in the swimming team.


A regret is a kind of sadness you feel about ...


Extracurricular means  ...

  getting high grades in college.
  leaving college with great memories.
  something that had not happened.

  outside regular academic curriculum.
joining a drama club as curriculum.
  popular activities inside curriculum.

Mr. Grammar te explicará ahora EXPRESSING REGRETS.


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