Tiempos Verbales en Inglés




Simple Present Perfect

What have you done? ¿Qué has hecho?

subject + have / has + 3







Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have gone

I haven't gone

Have I gone ?

You have gone

You haven't gone

Have you gone ?

He has gone

He hasn't gone

Has he gone ?

She has gone

She hasn't gone

Has she gone ?

It has gone

It hasn't gone

Has it gone ?

We have gone

We haven't gone

Have we gone ?

You have gone

You haven't gone

Have you gone ?

They have gone

They haven't gone

Have they gone ?


subject + have / has + 3

I have gone to New York - He ido a New York

He has gone to New York - El ha ido a New York


subject + haven't / hasn't + 3

I haven't gone to New York - No he ido a New York

He hasn't gone to New York - El no ha ido a New York


Have / Has + subject + 3 ?

Have I gone to New York? - ¿He ido a New York ?

Has he gone to New York? - ¿Ha ido él a New York?


usos del presente perfecto simple
Por regla general, se lo utiliza para describir acciones que empezaron en el pasado
y que aún no han finalizado
que guardan alguna relación con el presente.

Con el adverbio just: acciones que acaban de ocurrir.

The President has just arrived from the US. El Presidente acaba de llegar desde EEUU.
They both have just left for Bogota. Ambos acaban de partir para Bogotá.

Con las preposiciones for y since.

We have lived in Italy for three years. Hemos vivido en Italia durante tres años.
I haven't heard from you since 1990!! ¡¡No he tenido noticias tuyas desde 1990!!

Con los adverbios yet y already.

They haven't taken the Basic Exam yet. No han rendido el Examen Básico aún.
I have already taken the Intermediate Exam. Ya he rendido el Examen Intermedio.

Con el grado superlativo de un adjetivo.

OM Smiles has always been one of the funniest sections in OM Personal.
OM Smiles ha sido siempre una de las secciones más divertidas de OM Personal.

Con las expresiones: It's the first, It's the second, etc.

It's the first time I have flown United. Es la primera vez que vuelo por United.
It's the second time she has had lunch today. Es la segunda vez que almuerza hoy.

expresiones usuales del presente perfecto simple

since  -  for  -  just  -  ago  -  lately
yet  -  already  -  never  -  ever  -  recently

ejercicios con este tiempo verbal

PRESENT PERFECT: http://tinyurl.com/ltqx397
PRESENT PERFECT AND SIMPLE PAST: http://tinyurl.com/m5ur3pf
PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE: http://tinyurl.com/lubqbws


om personal english    |    índice de om verbs