141-146 |
The answers below are
just examples. Other alternatives
are also possible. Estas respuestas son sólo ejemplos. Otras
alternativas son también posibles. |
141. Who is that woman? I've never seen her before. |
- She's my friend Ana. She's coming to visit us. |
142. I heard that Lisa won some money. What is she going
to do with it?
I think she's going to buy a new computer. |
You know that book I lent you? Could I have it
back if you finished with it? |
- Sure.
I'll bring it to
your house
this evening. |
Will you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate. |
- Please, excuse me. It wasn't my intention to disturb your reading. |
145. Are you able to speak any foreign languages? |
- Yes, I can (am able to) speak French and German.
- No, I can't (am not able to) speak any foreign
languages. They're too difficult for me. |
146. Should we invite Susan to the party? |
Yes, I think we should. She's an interesting woman. |