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2 - Bad habits?



 The bad habit mentioned by Ana refers to ...


   Spanish men always being the guests.
   Spanish men always insisting on footing the bill.
Spanish men always gobbling up the octopus.


Ana finds this habit ...


   fairly interesting
   particularly unattractive
   especially attractive


 Enrique Tierno Galván is still alive.




When Spanish men are on the street they still think ...


   that you are the host.
   that they are the guests.
   that they are the hosts.


 This "bad habit" is bad news for ...


   the Spaniards.
   the Irish.
   the Welsh and Scots.

Video transcription


There’s something to be said for bad habits, especially Spanish bad habits. One of the bad habits of Spanish men I find particularly attractive is their habit of always insisting on paying for the drinks!

They do it everywhere, and if you are not Spanish yourself, it is almost impossible to foot the bill, even though you are the one who has done justice to the octopus and gobbled up most of the ham and cheese. I’ve often wondered where this habit came from.

The late Enrique Tierno Galván once commented that for the Mediterranean people, the street is the extension of the house, while for northern Europeans the street is a means of getting from one place to another.

So, when a Spaniard is on the street, he still feels bound by the rules of hospitality: he is the host and you are the guest. That’s good news for the Irish, English, Welsh, and Scots, but bad news for the economy of our Spanish hosts. Long live bad habits!


¿Malos hábitos?


Hay algo para comentar acerca de los malos hábitos, especialmente de los malos hábitos españoles. Uno de los malos hábitos de los hombres españoles – que yo encuentro particularmente atractivo – es su costumbre de insistir siempre ¡¡en pagarte los tragos!!

Lo hacen en todo lugar y si no eres de origen español es casi imposible pagar la cuenta aún cuando seas tú quien le haya hecho honores al pulpo y te hayas devorado la mayor parte del jamón y del queso. A menudo me pregunto de dónde proviene esta costumbre.

El extinto Enrique Tierno Galván comentó en una oportunidad que para los mediterráneos la calle es la extensión de la casa mientras que para los europeos del norte es un medio para trasladarse de un lugar a otro.

Por lo tanto, cuando un español se encuentra en la calle aún se sigue guiando por las reglas de la hospitalidad: él es el anfitrión y tú eres el invitado. Esa es una buena noticia para los irlandeses, ingleses, galeses y escoceses, pero una mala noticia para la economía de nuestros anfitriones españoles. ¡¡Qué perduren los malos hábitos!!

Answers Activity


 The bad habit mentioned by Ana refers to ...


   Spanish men always insisting on footing the bill.


Ana finds this habit ...


   especially attractive


 Enrique Tierno Galván is still alive.




When Spanish men are on the street they still think ...


   that they are the hosts.


 This "bad habit" is bad news for ...


   the Spaniards.


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