Letter Examples


To a Travel Agency  A una agencia de viajes

I plan to take my family for a holiday in Scotland next summer. Please send me details of any package tours you are organizing to that area.

Applications for Visas  Solicitando una visa

I have to pass through Persia on my way from Turkey to Pakistan and back, and shall consequently need a transit visa each way. Would you please let me know what I have to do to get them?

Hotel Reservations  Reservas de hotel

Please let me know what your terms are for single rooms with private bath.

Please book me a double room with private bath or shower for the night of October 12th.

Subscriptions  Suscripciones

I should like to receive your magazine regularly and therefore enclose the sum of 230 American dollars as my subscription for twelve months, starting from the next issue.

Enclosing Money  Adjuntando dinero

Enclosed you will find an International Money Order for the equivalent of 150 American dollars. Kindly acknowledge receipt.


Telegrams  Telegramas

Congratulations on the birth of your son Michael. Rejoicing with you in your happiness.

Arriving by 6:30 Austral flight 3251. Please meet.

Invitations  Invitaciones

Dear Patricia,
Will you come to tea on Thursday afternoon? I've asked a few friends. Do try to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Yours very sincerely. Irene.

My dear Monica,
Would you come and spend next weekend with us at our cottage in Pilar? Carlos and I would be delighted if you accepted.
With love. Samantha.

Thanks for Entertainment  Agradecimiento por hospitalidad

Many thanks for your kind hospitality during my stay with you in Mar del Plata. I enjoyed it very much indeed.

Greetings  Felicitaciones

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
With the Compliments of the Season.
Best Wishes for a Happy Easter (a Happy Passover).
Many happy returns of the day.
We wish you a very happy birthday.


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