Selecciona abajo la RESPUESTA CORRECTA para cada pregunta.
Pulsa el botón => para avanzar y el botón <= para retroceder.
Hi. I'm Linda Johnson.
- She's Linda Johnson.
- Hello. I'm Susan King.
- Thank you.
What's her first name?
- John Taylor.
- John.
- Susan.
Mike, this is Susan King.
- He's Mike.
- It's nice to meet you, Mike.
- Thank you.
- Susan, please.
- Yes, please.
- It's nice to meet you.
Where's Jake?
- He's in Stamford.
- He's a newscaster.
- He's last name is Daniels.
Who's this?
- This is Susan.
- It's wet.
- It's five o'clock.
What time is it in London?
- It's cool.
- She's in London.
- It's four o'clock.
What's the weather like?
- He's in Chicago.
- It's wet and cool.
- Congratulations.
See you tomorrow.
- Goodbye.
- Hello.
- Good morning.
Good afternoon.
- Goodbye.
- Hello.
- See you later.