Selecciona abajo la RESPUESTA CORRECTA para cada pregunta.
Pulsa el botón => para avanzar y el botón <= para retroceder.
Chris is pretty. Jake likes ...
- she.
- them.
- her.
He's ... now.
- swiming
- swimming
- swimmin
He ... medium height.
- has
- look
- 's
Karen's ... a black dress.
- isn't
- wear
- wearing
Why do you ... a headache?
- has
- have
- - (nothing)
How tall ... ?
- Chris is
- has Chris
- is Chris
The wind ... now.
- blows
- is blowing
- both A and B
They ... watching TV now.
- - (nothing)
- 's
- 're
What ... doing?
- is he
- he is
- he
The woman from Denver has ... hair.
- short
- blond
- both A and B