was not successful; had the reverse of the desired effect
(salir el tiro
por la culata, fallar)
got your face
slapped: did
something that caused someone to slap his face in anger or disgust
(te abofetearon
la cara).
nodded: indicated agreement by moving the head in a quick downward
motion (asintió
con su cabeza).
(apenado, tristemente)
I had my story
down pat: I
had memorized the story perfectly
(recordaba mi historia perfectamente)
something went
wrong: something
made the undertaking unsuccessful
(algo anduvo
figure out:
understand, reason out; determine, discover
You've heard of
Gertrude Morgan?:
Notice that the meaning of this
question is something like "I'm sure you've heard of
Gertrude Morgan, haven't you?"
(Conoces a Gertrude Morgan, ¿no?).
Admiral Byrd:
Richard Evelyn Byrd, an American naval officer and explorer, who
explored Antarctica in 1928 and in later years
(Almirante Byrd).
pointed pieces of ice
(trozos de
hair growing on the sides
of a man's face
You don't rate
with her: she doesn't consider you
worthy of esteem
(no eres importante para ella).
an introductory particle that forms a connection with the previous
Christmas Eve:
the night before Christmas Day
(Nochebuena, víspera de Navidad).
Arctic Circle story: The Arctic
Circle is an imaginary Circle parallel to the equator
(la historia del Círculo Polar Artico).
traveling on foot over snow, usually with a dog sled
(caminando por
la nieve).
expanse; continuous extent or distance
What then?:
What happened then?
(¿Qué ocurrió luego?)
alas: an exclamation expressing regret,
sorrow, or concern (lamentablemente).
used up: exhausted the supply of; used
all of
got out:
took out (saqué,
instrument kit:
a set of instruments or tools in a compact portable container
tore off:
pulled away by force; ripped away
(rompí, desgarré).
sheets: individual pieces of paper
(hojas de papel).
picked us up:
rescued us by taking us on board
(nos recogió).
something of:
to some extent; somewhat
(algo así como).
I'll bet (colloquial): I'm
quite sure (apuesto
no wonder: very understandably; with
good reason (no es de extrañar). |