ROBERT SHAW - Restaurant Cook

I get up at 5:00 a.m., get dressed, and drive to work. The restaurant opens at 6:00 a.m. sharp. We serve breakfast until eleven and lunch until three. Then I go home. I go to bed at around nine, and hope that the telephone doesn't ring. Luckily, I don't work on Saturdays or Sundays, I only work on weekends.

ái guetáp at fáiv eiém guet drést and dráiv tu uérk. de réstorant óupens at siks eiém sharp. uí serv brékfast ántil ilévn and lanch ántil zri. den aí góu jóum. ái góu tu bed at aráund náin and jóup dat de télifoun dasnt ring. lákili ái dóunt uérk on sáterdeis or sándeis. ái ónli uérk on uíkends.


El error se encuentra
en la última oración:

I only work on  weekends  weekdays.


ANDREA MENDEZ - Flight Attendant

Sometimes I go to work at 5:00 a.m., and sometimes I go at 5:00 p.m. Sometimes I leave the house on Monday and don't come home until Wednesday. I often work on weekends. My job is interesting, but my schedule is regular. And I don't see my husband enough.

samtáims ái góu tu uérk at fáiv eiém and samtáims ái góu at fáiv piém. samtaíms ái li:v de jaús on mándei and dóunt kam jóum ántil uénsdei. ái ófen uérk on uíkends. mái yob is íntrestin bat mái skédiul is réguiular.and ái dóunt si: mái jásband ináf.


El error se encuentra
en la
anteúltima oración:
My job is interesting, but my schedule is  regular  irregular


BOBBY JEFFREY - Rock Musician

I go to work at ten o'clock in the evening, and I play until 3:00 a.m. I take a break at midnight. After work I have dinner at an all-night restaurant. Then I take a taxi home. I go to bed at five in the morning and sleep until two in the morning. I only work three nights a week – Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

ái góu tu uérk at ten oklók in di ívnin and ái pléi ántil zri eiém. ái téik a bréik at mídnait. áfter uérk ái jav díner at an olnáit réstorant. den ái teík a táksi jóum. ái góu tu bed at fáiv in the mó:nin. ái ónli uérk zri náits a uík – fráidei, sáterdei and sándei.


El error se encuentra
en la
anteúltima oración:
I go to bed at five in the morning and sleep until two in the morning  afternoon.



OM PERSONAL MULTIMEDIA ENGLISH: Desde 1999 en Internet  © Orlando Moure - Todos los Derechos Reservados
Buenos Aires, República Argentina
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