As a directory assistance operator, I give out hundreds of telephone numbers every day. I sort of like talking to people all day. I earn around $20,000 a year. But I don't feel very secure – a lot of operators are losing their jobs because of automation. Computers do everything these days. So I'm studying to be a computer programmer at
night school.

as a diréktori asístans operéitor ái guiváut jándrids ov télifoun námbers évri déi. ái sort ov láik tókin tu pipl ol déi. ái ern aráund tuénti-záusand dólars a íar. bat ái dóunt fi:l véri sekiúr – a lot ov operéitors ar lusin déir yobs bikós ov otoméishon. kompiúters du évrizin di:s déis. sóu áim stádin tu bi a kompiúter prográmer at náit skul.




My clients are all business travelers. I make plane, hotel, and car reservations for them. My annual salary isn't very high – only $24,000 – but I like my job. It's pretty secure because travel is a growing field. Also, I often travel in order to learn about cities, hotels, airlines, and tours. And when I do, everything is free – the plane tickets, the hotel rooms, etc.

mái kláients ar ol bísnes trávelers. ái méik pléin, joutél and kar reservéishons fo: dem. mái ánual sálari isnt véri jáig – ónli tuénti-for záusand – bat ái láik mái yob. its príti sekiúr bikós trável is a gróuing fild. ólsou ái ófen trável in órder tu lern abáut sítis, joutéls, éarlains and turs. and uén ái du évrizin is fri: – de pléin tíkets, de houtél rums, etc.




In my job, I mainly work with athletes who have sports injuries. Sometimes the athletes are famous, not always exciting. My salary is good – $38,000 a year –  and I always have a lot of patients. Doctors are too busy to do physical therapy these days, and they're happy to give the work to specialists like us.

in mái yob ái méinli uérk uíd a-zlits ju jav sports ínyuris. sámtaims di a-zlits ar féimus, not ólueis iksáitin. mái sálari is gud – zérti-éit záusand a íar – and ái ólueis jav a lot ov péshents. dóktors ar tu: bísi tu du físikal zérapi di:s déis and déir jápi tu guiv de uérl to spéshalists laikás.



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