CPE :: Lesson 34



LECCION 34 - PAGINA 6   índice del curso   página anterior   página siguiente


Expressing yourself
Open cloze test

ACTIVITY 162: Fill each of the blank spaces with one suitable word. (Some blank spaces accept more than one alternative). Then check the correct answers.

Tom was so
at being made redundant at his age that he seriously whether he would ever be able to get another job again. On told by the Personnel Manager that his services no longer be required, he was at first .

He really couldn't understand it. What had he done to make them sack him? But then he became , almost angry. 'How dare they?' was what he thought. And it was after that initial anger that the depression had set in. When by any of the family or his friends what he was to do, he answered with a simple 'I don't know', and the he said it was enough to warn anyone making any further enquiries. He at one point of starting his own business, but been employed all his life by someone else, he didn't know where to start. On another occasion, to others who had been made redundant, he suggested they start something called a 'co-operative' which he had heard about, but nothing came of that, either. It was while he was walking by the river one day that he had an idea so that it was to change the course of his life.


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