Answers Activity 131
Now listen again while you check the audio transcription. Then check the answers below.
ONE ► MAN: The article by Jeffrey Kanon about exercise I found most illuminating. What was interesting, I think, was not only that he had taken up running as a result of basically being unable to lose weight by dieting, but that he started to investigate the weight loss which seemed to surprise him. As he said, in theory, exercise is not a particularly effective way of losing weight, and yet in practice it most certainly would seem to be extremely effective. The reason, according to him, is that running, together with certain other types of exercise, increases the metabolic rate and you thus burn more calories. TWO ► WOMAN: I read an article the other day that was very interesting. It was by a man who'd dieted for years, but never lost any weight. But then he took up jogging to keep his weight down. And it worked. He found out that as long as he went running regularly, he could eat and drink what he wanted. Then he began to look into why exercise helps you lose weight. Apparently all the dieting experts say it doesn't work. Well, apparently the reason is that your metabolism speeds up when you run, and that's good for you because it burns up more calories.
QUESTION 1: Which speaker was FORMAL and which was INFORMAL?
The man speaks FORMALLY and the woman INFORMALLY.
QUESTION 2: What sort of person would have said the MAN's speech and in what situation?
The man is probably some kind of public figure talking to an audience.
QUESTION 3: What sort of person would have said the WOMAN's speech and in what situation?
We have no information about the woman, but the informality of the way she talks suggests she is probably chatting to a friend.
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