CPE :: Lesson 11



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Listening: Part 2

ACTIVITY 52: You will hear part of a programme in which a leading architect talks about building materials. After listening, for questions 9-17 complete the blank spaces in the sentences below with a word or short phrase. Then check the audio transcription and the correct answers.



 9.  The presenter claims that in Britain concrete is associated with neglected

10.  Malcolm says that while, in the past, concrete was a material, it is in demand now.

11.  Concrete's renewed popularity is a result of a necessity to maintain the level of the .

12.  High buildings will necessitate the use of and substances such as concrete.

13.  In the future, not only buildings, but also and could be made of some form of concrete.

14.  Concrete can be used for heating if it can be made to more effectively.

15.  Concrete's mean it can also be used to lower temperatures in a building.

16.  If properly built, the buildings of the future could stand for as long as .

17.  Whatever it is used for, concrete is likely to have a far-reaching effect, on life in the third .


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