CPE :: Lesson 7



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Listening: Part 2

ACTIVITY 32: You will hear a radio talk about globalisation. After listening, for questions 9-17 complete the blank spaces in the sentences below with a word or short phrase. Then check the audio transcription and the correct answers.



9.  The entire world is now seen as one big .

10.  Multinational corporations control about of international commerce.

11.  MNCs are welcomed by .

12.  The GNP in rich countries is now greater than that in poor countries.

13.  Cheap third-world labour for MNCs in encouraged by or employment legislation.

14.  Governments in Third World countries should support .

15.  It is not a good idea to have protectionism in a .

16.  Despite opinion to the contrary, MNCs do not improve for the workforce.

17.  Protests are staged at conferences held by the International Monetary Fund and the .


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