Answers Activity 25

NOTE: As indicated in the activity introduction, it is hardly possible to speak of "correct" answers here. Most of the following suggestions are typical English responses that can be used in both the writing and speaking tests of the CPE exam.


A friend of yours has telephoned you to say he/she is getting married. Congratulate him/her. Be enthusiastic.



You went into an English shop to buy something but were unable to make the assistant understand what you wanted. Explain what happened to an English friend.



You are in a non-smoking railway carriage and have politely asked someone to stop smoking, but he has taken no notice. Complain angrily to another passenger.



A policeman has stopped you in the street, mistaking you for a wanted thief. Be surprised, but explain who you are and what you were doing.



Your son/daughter has just come in at three o'clock in the morning. Be angry, but also show how concerned you were during his/her absence.



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