CPE :: Lesson 1



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Writing ability: Situations

NOTE: The CPE writing test is not an intelligence or general knowledge test. It is a writing proficiency test judged on structure (organization and development) and style (standard and appropriate English). That is why we have developed this series of activities which you will find at the end of first lesson in every unit. These activities help students know how their writing skills (organization, grammar, sentence structure) match with what’s expected in their CPE written assignments.

ACTIVITY 6: Now you are going to do some brief writing assignments. The creative part of these exercises is the proof whether (or not) our students are developing their skills. So, we are not giving you "right answers" but just "introductory pointers" to help you. Type each assignment inside the yellow boxes (2 or 3 lines is enough). Then check the answers.


You want to buy a book, record, etc. for a friend but do not remember the title or author/singer. Try to give the assistant details that will enable her/him to identify it.



You have been recommended to see someone by a Mr Smith. It is clear that the person you are talking to does not know which Mr Smith is involved. Give details to establish his identity.



You have seen an accident between two cars. One driver drove away. Briefly describe the accident and the actions of the two drivers to a policeman.



You want to buy some piece of technical or sporting equipment in an English shop, but do not know the English name for it. Make the assistant understand what you want.



Briefly describe the normal procedure followed by the two companies concerned in a take-over bid.


CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished  LESSON 1  
at OM Personal CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English.
Before moving on to the next lesson, please remember
to revise everything you have learnt here.


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