CPE :: Test units 1 to 5



EVALUATION TEST - PAGINA 3   índice del curso   página anterior   página siguiente


Complete each of the blank spaces with only one suitable word. Then check the correct answers.

HOW TO EVALUATE: 2 (two) marks for each completely correct answer.
Maximum scoring: 40 marks


It is one of the oldest complaints that the young, at the male young, are prone to crime, disorder and kind of delinquency, and some argue that this criminality is to childish impulsiveness, others claim that it has come about of the role by the young in society. This role has changed from it was in the past, since the young now tend to form a apart from the of society, with spending power far what was available to earlier generations of youth. On the hand, and this is particularly the in the United States, their prospects employment are much lower than of adults numerous government training schemes, these prospects have been getting worse, and the trend is greater youth unemployment. This, combined the fact that parents are more uncertain and prepared to exercise authority, has resulted more crimes than ever committed by young people.


For questions 1-5 think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. Then check the correct answers.

HOW TO EVALUATE: 5 (five) marks for each completely correct answer.
Maximum scoring: 20 marks


a. By cycling hard we actually managed to ___ about 100 kilometres in just under three hours.
b. The second volume will ___ the period from the French Revolution to the Battle of Waterloo.
c. Before placing the fish in the oven ___ it with a sheet of aluminium foil.

Type the word here:


a. My car broke down yesterday, but then it wasn't very reliable in the first ___.
b. Igor came in shivering from cold, so we gave him a ___ by the fire.
c. Tanya lives in rather an old ___ behind the paint factory.

Type the word here:


a. They admitted the assignment was ___, but they managed to do it nevertheless.
b. I think that meat is rather ___ so you'd probably do better to buy something more tender.
c. Chris must be pretty ___ if he wants to pursue a career in the army.

Type the word here:


a. The fisherman held the boat ___ while we all climbed aboard.
b. Toni and Paola have had a ___ relationship for more than five years.
c. Look! My hand is completely ___. It's not shaking at all.

Type the word here:


EVALUATION TEST - PAGINA 3   índice del curso   página anterior   página siguiente