CAE :: Lesson 21



LECCION 21 - PAGINA 5   índice del curso   página anterior


Writing ability

ACTIVITY 85: This test consists of a number of sentences, in each of which some part or the whole is underlined. Each sentence is followed by five alternative versions of the underlined portion. Select the alternative you consider both most correct and most effective according to the requirements of standard written English. Answer A is the same as the original version; if you think the original version is best, select answer A. In considering the answer choices, be attentive to matters of grammar, diction, and syntax, as well as clarity, precision, and fluency. Do not select an answer which alters the meaning of original sentence. Finally check the correct answers.


Americans are learning that their concept of a research worker, toiling alone in his laboratory and who discovers miraculous cures has been highly idealized and glamorized.


A.   toiling alone in his laboratory and who discovers miraculous cures
B.   toiling in his laboratory by himself and discovers miraculous cures
C.   toiling alone in his laboratory to discover miraculous cures,
D.   who toil alone in the laboratory and discover miraculous cures
E.   toiling in his laboratory to discover miraculous cures by himself


We want the teacher to be him who has the best rapport with the students.


A.   We want the teacher to be him
B.   We want the teacher to be he
C.   We want him to be the teacher
D.   We desire that the teacher be him
E.   We anticipate that the teacher will be him


If he were to win the medal, I for one would be disturbed.


A.   If he were to win the medal,
B.   If he was to win the medal,
C.   If he wins the medal,
D.   If he is the winner of the medal,
E.   In the event that he wins the medal,


The scouts were told to take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare dinner, and they should be in bed by 9 p.m.


A.   to take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare dinner, and that they should! in bed by 9 p.m.
B.   to take an overnight hike, to pitch camp, to prepare dinner, and that they should be in bed by 9 p.m.
C.   to take an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare dinner, and be in bed by 9 p.m.
D.   to take an overnight hike, pitching camp, preparing dinner and going to bed by 9 p.m.
E.   to engage in an overnight hike, pitch camp, prepare dinner, and that they should be in bed by 9 p.m.


The dean informed us that the applicant had not and never will be accepted by the college because of his high school record.


A.   applicant had not and never will be accepted by the college because of his school record
B.   applicant had not and never would be accepted by the college because of his school record
C.   applicant had not been and never will be excepted by the college because of high school record
D.   applicant had not been and never would be excepted by the college because of his high school record
E.   applicant had not been and never would be accepted by the college because of his high school record


CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished  LESSON 21  
at OM Personal CAE - Certificate in Advanced English.
Before moving on to the next lesson, please remember
to revise everything you have learnt here.


LECCION 21 - PAGINA 5   índice del curso   página anterior