ACTIVITY 61: You are going to
listen to PAUL BUNYAN, a traditional story.
Listen carefully and
complete the summary below. Then check both the audio transcription
and the correct answers.
Paul Bunyan was
a legendary American character. He was the hero of a series
of popular "tall tales." He was a giant who
had an enormous ox, called Babe the Blue Ox. Paul Bunyan, in
addition to his incredible size, was supposed to have had
strength, cunning, and .
Paul was
supposed to have been the baby ever in Maine.
After growing up, Paul traveled ,
and he and Babe cut and cleared across the .
Babe and Paul both loved .
During the winter
season, Babe could not find enough to
eat because snow covered everything. Then Ole the solved the problem by making green
for Babe, so he thought the
snow was grass.
In the tall tales,
Paul and Babe
the Blue are
credited with having created many of the most amazing
in the
USA, including the , the
Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River, Puget , and the
Black Hills of South .
CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished
at OM Personal
CAE - Certificate in Advanced English. Before moving on to the next lesson, please remember
to revise everything you
have learnt here.