Los Diferentes Acentos del Inglés


A Swedish Accent


A native of Sweden talks about corporate alliances in France.



Para obtener una traducción textual al español acerca la flecha de tu ratón a las palabras resaltadas.

My name is Margareta Galfard and I am responsible for Volvo's communication in France where I am Director of Information and Public Affairs.

Volvo is a multinational automotive company active in the transport sector, primarily by our cars, trucks and buses; in the marine sector by Volvo Penta who makes marine and industrial engines; in the aerospace sector through Volvo Flugmotor.

We are also present through a 50% -- nearly 50% -- stake in the health and food sector through a company called Procordia and that is along with the Swedish government.

Volvo is present in 130 markets all over the world with nearly 70,000 employees. Nearly two years ago Volvo and Renault concluded a very important alliance, as a matter of fact the most important industrial alliance that Volvo ever made.

We also are complementary. That means Volvo, for instance, is very active on the American markets where Renault is not. We are active in Asia, South America, to a small degree in Africa, and of course in Europe, our most important market after the United States. Renault is not present in the United States. But on all the other markets we can help each other because where Volvo is strong Renault is perhaps not that strong and on the contrary, where Renault is very strong, Volvo is not that strong.


Acerca de la Pronunciación

La oradora es nativa de Estocolmo, Suecia, y se observa un fuerte acento sueco en su pronunciación. Cabe mencionar que hablar inglés con propiedad no significa "hablar sin acento". Todos alguna vez hemos escuchado a extranjeros hablando español con absoluta propiedad, a pesar de que lo hablan con su acento nativo.

Consideramos que el acento en un idioma no le resta propiedad y en todo caso le agrega la tonalidad propia de quien lo aprende. Al fin y al cabo, Penélope Cruz habla inglés con acento español, y se comunica perfectamente con los norteamericanos.

Ya lo sabes: No es fácil imitar a un británico o norteamericano. Por lo tanto, no desesperes... pero esfuérzate por hablar inglés "gramaticalmente" bien.


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