Los Diferentes Acentos del Inglés


A French Accent


International banking in the voice of a native
of Nice, France.



Para obtener una traducción textual al español acerca la flecha de tu ratón a las palabras resaltadas.

My name is Alain Depussé and I'm 49 years old. My first job was with a bank in France and then with a bank in Germany. Afterwards I worked for various companies as financial director in different sectors in France. I'm currently with a TV production company in París.

Well, first I'll tell you what I think a bank, a commercial bank should provide a company. First is cheap credit, second is lowest possible cost of services ... you also expect good services, fast answers and reliable officers for the day-to-day relationship with your banks and ... last you want reliable commitments which means that the lines of credit which are confirmed to you have to be available and this is a very important factor.

On the other side it's fair to provide the banks with some information on the company. You have to give them balance sheets and annual reports but you provide them with, let's say, the minimum information or the information which makes the company appear in the best light to get best possible credit rating and therefore the lowest cost, but you don't go further than that and you don't give details which could be important for your strategy.


Acerca de la Pronunciación

El orador es nativo de Niza, Francia, y se observa un acento francés muy fuerte en su pronunciación. Cabe mencionar que hablar inglés con propiedad no significa "hablar sin acento". Todos alguna vez hemos escuchado a extranjeros hablando español con absoluta propiedad, a pesar de que lo hablan con su acento nativo.

Consideramos que el acento en un idioma no le resta propiedad y en todo caso le agrega la tonalidad propia de quien lo aprende. Al fin y al cabo, Penélope Cruz habla inglés con acento español, y se comunica perfectamente con los norteamericanos.

Ya lo sabes: No es fácil imitar a un británico o norteamericano. Por lo tanto, no desesperes... pero esfuérzate por hablar inglés "gramaticalmente" bien.


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