Los Diferentes Acentos del Inglés


A Canadian Accent


A technician from Quebec speaks.



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The differences between Canadian accents -- from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Vancouver, British Columbia -- are nowhere near as great as the regional accents that one hears in Great Britain.

Even though there are fewer people spread this tremendous distance of nearly 4,000 miles, I think when you look at ... er ... voices and the sounds they make, you have to really think in many ways in terms of North America as opposed just to Canada.

Because, although the boundary between the United States and Canadá runs east to west, the fact is that the BC people relate to Californians in more ways than one; the prairie farmer relates to his counterpart in the mid-western United States in more ways than one; the east coast fisherman relates to his counterpart in the New England states, around -- in the Boston area particularly, in more ways than one.

But speaking exclusively of Canada, there are -- funny little things come out. For example, in Nova Scotia: a true Nova Scotian, in saying the word A-F-T-E-R, will always insert an R. It will always come out /a:rftər/. Um ... and you can always spot a true Nova Scotian, because he drops that extra R in.

There's one point I should make, and ... er ... er ... and it's an obvious one, I suppose, and that is: when you get into French Canada, when you get the French Canadians speaking English, naturally ... er ... a great many of them have a pronounced French accent. And I'm certain that many English-speaking Canadians have a pronounced English accent when they speak French.


Acerca del Lenguaje

Es usual utilizar one con el significado de "gente en general" como una alternativa de carácter formal al uso de you con igual significado. Aunque el orador utiliza one en el primer párrafo de su exposición (that one hears in Great Britain), más adelante emplea repetidamente you (when you look at ..., you have to ..., you can always spot ..., when you get into French Canadá).


Acerca de la Pronunciación

Con la excepción de Newfoundland, cuyos nativos tienen un acento distintivo más parecido al que se encuentra en Irlanda o en el sudoeste de Inglaterra que al de Estados Unidos, el acento canadiense es prácticamente igual que el estadounidense. De hecho, la mayor parte de los británicos son incapaces de explicar las diferencias que existen entre ambos.

Sin embargo, existe un rasgo que distingue el acento canadiense del estadounidense: la pronunciación de las vocales ou en palabras como out, mouth o house. Mientras que en Estados Unidos este grupo de vocales se pronuncia
/aU/, en Canadá se pronuncia /ΛU/.

Los estadounidenses con frecuencia hablan de esta diferencia como del rasgo distintivo típico del inglés canadiense, y -caricaturizándola ligeramente- dicen que en Canadá no se dice "out", sino "oot" /u:t/.


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