It's one of the of the museum: La Balsa Muisca de El Dorado ... La Balsa Muisca de El Dorado. It shows the famous of the Golden Man - El Dorado - which took place at Guatavita.

The people of that time their god lived in the lake. The first thing a new king had to do was to make an offering to this god.

First, the new king was from head to foot in gold and then he went out on a raft.

You can see him there, standing in the middle, the figure. And at his feet was a of gold and emeralds. And he was by four of his chiefs, who had offerings of their own. So they all to the centre of the lake and then they offered the god the gold and emeralds. Actually there must still be some there, but people have been taking things out of the lake for .


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