This video from WWF – the global conservation organization – is sure to inspire the eco-lover in all of us. The riverside area in the video cannot be more beautiful: mountains, trees, fishes, ducks, two butterflies flying about, and the clean waters of a creek flowing peacefully.

Suddenly, a red pickup truck full of trash – and polluting the air with its exhaust fumes – appears on the spot. The driver backs the truck close to one of the river banks and throws the garbage into the clean waters. He drains a soda can and he even throws it into the river. An empty barrel, a waste tire, some bags and his soda are his best contribution to pollute this waterway.

Of course, in a metaphorical manner, Nature always takes its revenge. When the driver in question arrives home for a fresh shower he not only ends up receiving trash for water, but also the soda can he threw into the river.

Throwing trash into a river is really disgusting and my irritation levels soar at the thought of people doing it. One must keep the rivers pure as every bit of trash adds up to the contamination of the wild areas and the cities. The rivers are where our children swim and where we get our drinking water.

Although many organizations have started to plan river cleanups, that's not enough if we do not understand the importance of not littering. Therefore, before throwing garbage into rivers, just Think Again !!


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