Curso First Certificate Exam



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Multiple-choice gap-filling

ACTIVITY 331: Read the text below and choose from the menus the suitable answer. The first alternative [ diploma - grade - matter - subject ] is already done for you.


In the top class at Medbury School, maths is the most

popular A-level  . Of the 55 students,

28 have chosen to    the exam. And of these 28,

10 have chosen to follow not one but two of the three

available A-level   .

Nor is this anything new. Maths regularly    more pupils than other A-levels, 

  subjects such as sociology or English, which traditionally were more

usually    by girls – for Medbury is a girls' school.

This interest must be    the importance that is given to maths at the school.

However, the  , Olivia Lake, finds that many 11-year-old girls she interviews as

part of the    test say maths is their favourite subject. "In the old days, girls

were not given much    if they wanted to do maths, especially in co-

educational schools. But in a single sex school today, they are definitely not pressured

to avoid a    involving maths. I am sure that this    how the girls

perform in the subject."

Student Susan Hill    up the success of the Medbury method: "In my mother's

day maths was    a dry subject, and the teacher had to make    the

subject by having a nice personality. But that's no longer true. Girls get interested in the

subject itself and want to    well."

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