A.  The primary school has a sports    where the children play different kinds
      of sports.

B.  The two boxers climbed into the    and prepared to light.

C.  The hotel has a private tennis    behind the gardens.

D.  The football fans cheered as the national team ran out on to the  .


A.  In the club children under 12 are    to use the billiard equipment.

B.  The captain was    from playing in the match by a severe leg injury.

C.  Women are still    from membership of that club.

D.  The football manager's career has not been    by his lack of formal


A.  The excursion has been    due to lack of interest.

B.  The match was    until both players had recovered from flu.

C.  The hikers    to look at the map of the valley.

D.  Tickets for the Cup Final are    to one pair per person.


A.  Let's meet at the    to the swimming pool.

B.  There is no    to the art gallery after 5.30 pm.

C.  The    to the villa is through a long avenue of trees.

D.  The country denies    to anyone without a visa.


A.    heartbeats and breathlessness? It might be heart problems, but you
      could just be unfit.

B.  The river is very    here: it's dangerous to swim.

C.  Don't make any    decisions when buying a motorbike: take your time
      and consider the options.

D.  The club secretary sent us a    reply to our membership application.


A.  I'm going out tonight: I've got a    with Marco.

B.  His father has made another    to see the school rugby coach.

C.  We have a good    with our neighbours: we use their pool and
      they use our tennis court !!

D.  The town council has signed a new    with local businesses to
      develop a leisure complex.


A.  The sea was so    it was like a sheet of glass.

B.  You need a very    hand when writing with a brush like the Japanese.

C.  On the motorway she drove at a    speed of 110 kph.

D.  When the youth club was closed, the young people were left    and bored.


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