Sisters are often alike but they are never exactly   

same. In    many families one sister is often

called "  pretty one" and    other " 

clever one" when they are still    babies. Even 

young children think    beauty is more

important than    brains.

"I was so jealous of my sister's looks. She had    long fair hair and

 sweet little nose, and I thought that she always had  prettiest

clothes and    most attention. I hated her and I decided to kill her.

When    roof of    house was being repaired, I dropped 

brick out of    window when she was underneath. Thank God it

missed!!", says one ashamed near-murderer. "I must have been about ten

at    time, and she was    eight years old. Now she tells me that

she always felt stupid beside me in    school because I was always

  good student and she was weaker at    school work. But when

you're  teenager, you want    attention and  compliments

and    boyfriends;    good exam results don't seem like   

fair exchange".

life is particularly hard for someone who wants to follow in 

footsteps of    famous sister. Dee Dee Pfeiffer wants to be    film

star like her sister, Michelle. "When we were    children, Michelle was 

 beautiful one and I was  fat one", says Dee Dee. "I have been

on    diet for years, trying to achieve    figure which is as good

as hers. In   Hollywood everyone looks at you critically, and compares

you with your famous sister".


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