Dear Donna,

I have some wonderful news for you. Klive    at last. He 

with us for five days now. He looks very different, but he    a lot, so it is

not surprising. He    much thinner and he    the good looks

he    when he was a little boy. I    him some smart new

clothes and I    all his favourite meals, but so far he    to

accept anything I give him. He says he    more comfortable in jeans and that

he    his taste for rich foods. At least now he    with his

father as much as he used to.

The thing that really upsets me is that he    that dreadful girl who

  such a bad influence on him in the old days. On his first day home he

  to look for her. Her family    away from this beautiful

neighbourhood some years ago, but they still    somewhere in the city.

Fortunately, he    any trace of her yet.

You and he    on so well together when you    children. Would you

like to come and stay for a few days at home? I am sure you could help him forget

the past.

Give my love to your parents.

With love from,

Aunt Sylvia


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