A.  My arm is still sore from the    the doctor gave me.

B.  The daily    is two tablets after meals.

C.  She is so stressed she has to take a sleeping    to get to sleep.

D.  Aspirin is a    commonly used to reduce pain and fever.


A.  To keep    she swims and jogs nearly every day. 

B.  Because we sit in OM Personal office all day, we like to do something    at weekends, like playing squash.

C.  She has a very    lifestyle - a diet, lots of exercise and plenty of sleep.

D.  Gaia's a very    child - always running around, laughing and shouting.


A.  My arm    from carrying that heavy suitcase.

B.  My toe    where I cut it on the rock.

C.  She keeps saying she's got terrible    in her chest.

D.  He has an allergy to certain foods: when he eats them his face    up.


A.  His attacker    him on the head with a metal object.

B.  She recently    her knee in a skiing accident.

C.  The fire severely    the old castle.

D.  His grandfather was    during his country's War of Independence.


A.  Old people are more likely to    from pneumonia than teenagers.

B.  They claim the bomb can completely    buildings without killing any people.

C.  Don't be afraid of touching the horse - it won't    you.

D.  That couple regularly    parties by arguing in front of everyone.


A.  The hospital is doing research into gentler ways to    cancer.

B.  There's no medicine which can    a cold - but this will help you feel a bit better.

C.  This ointment is very good for helping cuts to 

D.  I've broken this kettle - can you    it?


A.  The refugee    himself in his coat and tried to get to sleep.

B.  They    from the storm in a cave on the hillside.

C.  When she went to the beach she    her skin with a special suncream.

D.  The presence of his mother    the sick child.


OM PERSONAL MULTIMEDIA ENGLISH: Desde 1999 en Internet  © Orlando Moure - Todos los Derechos Reservados
Buenos Aires, República Argentina
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