Curso First Certificate Exam



LECCION 15 - PAGINA 2   índice del curso   página anterior   página siguiente


Numbers and symbols (I)

ACTIVITY 90: Many Spanish-speakers have real problems to read some special numbers and symbols. How do you say these figures? Practise listening carefully and repeating. Then check your pronunciation against the examples on the answers symbol.


85%      28°C

3¼      7½      ¾
£3.50      $9.28

Numbers and symbols (II)


ACTIVITY 91: Where do you put the word and when you say these numbers? Where do you not use it? Practise listening carefully and repeating. Then check your pronunciation against the examples on the answers symbol.


420     701

1,362     25,500
57,251     638,959

Numbers and symbols (III)


ACTIVITY 92: The number 0 can be said in a number of ways, depending on the context. How do you say 0 in each of these cases? The following are some of the more common ways. Practise listening carefully and repeating these numerical expressions. Then check your pronunciation against the examples on the answers symbol.


Phone number:

0171  749  0544



Mathematical figure:

2 - 2 = 0




5-4-3-2-1-0 !!



Football score:

6 - 0



Tennis score:

15 - 0


Qué contundentes esos dos "scores", ¿no?
En la próxima página tendrás una nueva práctica de MATCHING TASK ...


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