A.  Some of the trees in this park were    two hundred years ago.

B.  The farmer first prepared the ground and then    the seeds. 

C.  They    as much fruit as they could before the autumn rains came.

D.  My great-grandparents kept chickens and pigs and    several fields.



A.  The local park has a special running    for joggers.

B.  The dogs followed the    of the fox but eventually lost it.

C.  The children reached the river by running along the narrow    through the fields.

D.  They live in a cottage at the end of a quiet    off the main road. 


A.  They own a weekend house    a famous nature reserve.

B.  My friend's been taken ill. Where's the    hospital?

C.  There's no garage here, but you'll find one in the    village.

D.  The thief hid the stolen bicycle behind some     bushes.


A.  The Parana river    into the sea north of Buenos Aires.

B.  The plane    from here to the capital once a day.

C.  At the start of the play, an old man slowly    the room and opens the door.

D.  When she hears the doorbell, she    excitedly to the window to see who it is.


A.  The lorry drove through the puddles and    the people at the side of the road.

B.  When the snow melted, the river    its banks. 

C.  The child dropped the stick in the river and watched as it    under the bridge.

D.  When he saw the end of the film, tears    down his face. 


OM PERSONAL MULTIMEDIA ENGLISH: Desde 1999 en Internet  © Orlando Moure - Todos los Derechos Reservados
Buenos Aires, República Argentina
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