The north of the country    by the

Himalayas, the highest mountains in the world. On the 

east, India    from Burma by

foothills of the Himalayas. The Ganges is geographically

the most important river, and    sacred

by most Indians.

Basically, the year in India can    into three

seasons: hot, wet and cool.

The capital consists of two cities. Old Delhi, which    in 1648 by Shah

Jehan, the Moghul emperor and builder of the Taj Mahal, and New Delhi, which

  by the British as the imperial capital in 1931.

Sixteen official languages and 820 dialects    in India.

Most workers (70%)    on the land, but India is also one of the world's

major industrial powers and recently major efforts    to move Indian

industry into modern 'high tech' areas.

Textiles    all over the world from India.


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