Curso First Certificate Exam



LECCION 3 - PAGINA 4   índice del curso   página anterior   página siguiente


Pronouns II

ACTIVITY 19: Correct the SIX mistakes in these five sentences (sentence # 2 has two mistakes) rewriting them in the blanks. If necessary, refer to Mr. Grammar's explanations on the previous page. Then check the correct answers.


You don't have to introduce me to Sally. She's an old friend of me.



Let me introduce me. My name's Tim Tracy. Your husband and I went to school with ourselves.



Everybody in my class do their Latin homework on their own.



The teacher has ten dictionaries, so there are enough for the students to borrow each one.



It was Monica by herself who worked out the meaning of the coded message.



Pronouns III

ACTIVITY 20: Complete the story below using the words in the box. Some words you will need to use more than once, some you will not need to use at all. If necessary, refer to Mr. Grammar's explanations on the previous page. Then check the correct answers.

I you he she they
him her us them
yours ours theirs
himself herself themselves

this that these those
each one ones
something anything everything nothing
somebody anybody everybody nobody


When Mr and Mrs Blair's son was born
congratulated other because the baby never cried.   boasted to all their friends, 'This son of is better-behaved and quieter than !' But as grew older began to worry about because never made a sound or said to , and always played by .

was alone, Mrs Blair asked what could be wrong with her son, and Mr Blair discussed the problem with that knew, but had any suggestions.

One day, when the boy was ten years old, his mother gave
some apple pie for lunch.   suddenly said to ,  ' isn't sweet enough!'

His parents looked at
another in surprise and Mr Blair asked :
- 'Why have
said before now?'
- 'Well,' replied the boy. 'up until now
was just fine!'


En la última página de esta lección te espera otra práctica de listening comprehension ...


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