Nowadays, skyscrapers can be found in most    cities

of the world. A building which was many    high was first

called a skyscraper in the United States at the end of the 19th

century, and New York has perhaps the    skyscraper

of them all, the Empire State Building. The    beneath the

streets of New York is rock,    enough to take the

heaviest load without sinking, and is therefore well-suited to

bearing the    of tall buildings. In London, on the other

hand, people    the problem of the land being

too soft to build skyscrapers on. However, improved

  of making foundations later    many

skyscrapers to be built there,    none are as high as

those in the United States.

These tall buildings are    so that millions of people can

live and work in a very small  . This is important where

land is expensive, for example, in a city centre, so it is more

  to build upwards rather than outwards. Also, many

large companies find it more    to have all their staff in

one building,    easy reach of each other. People also

imagine that the higher the skyscraper, the more successful the

company it  . Whether or not this is true, skyscrapers

still remain popular today.


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